Donation Website of the Thai Red Cross Society by the Fundraising Bureau, Donation HUB: Connecting Your Giving

Building of Regional Blood Centre

01/04/2022 - 30/09/2024
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National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society, has been commissioned by the government to provide the country's blood services in sufficient quantities and safety. The central part has National Blood Centre as the head office carry out blood supply, blood collection, blood screening, prepare the blood ingredients and distribute blood to various hospitals in Bangkok and the region to make blood service operations faster and sufficient to meet the needs of patients across the country. National Blood Centre established 12 national blood service center across the country by operating a full range of blood services according to the same standards as National Blood Centre.

National Blood Centre has approved the establishment of 12 National Blood Centre across the country since 1996 to serve as a center for blood quality screening and establishing a network of blood services with National Blood Centre. It is the center of the blood donor database to manage the blood sufficient to meet the needs of various provinces. It is also a center for providing training for doctors, nurses and practitioners involved in blood service in the area.

As a result, from the ongoing severe blood shortage situation at present, the National Blood Centre need to campaign for more blood donors both inside and outside the premises. Since the current office is cramped, making it inconvenient for blood donors and unable to add necessary equipment, so National Blood Centre initiated a project for the construction of Regional Blood Centre Building (new house) was set up to reduce problems and raise the standard of good service for users. There are two projects that are in the process and need additional budget for construction: 1) Regional Blood Centre X in Chiang Mai Province and 2) Regional Blood Centre XI in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The construction budget is set at 110,000,000 THB.

Blood procurement statistics for the year 2020 in the central area by National Blood Centre can supply 828,952 units of blood, provincial by 12 regional blood centre across the country, amounting to 471,907 units, and in 2021, National Blood Centre has set a goal of procuring 1,220,000 units of blood nationwide, comprising 718,000 units of National Blood Centre and 502,000 units of the Regional Blood Centre. It can help lighten the burden of National Blood Centre in providing blood to patients across the country as well. There are still limitations in terms of tight spaces which cannot be extended which makes it unable to support the expansion of comprehensive blood service operations of National Blood Centre. Therefore, it is imperative to provide space and build a new National Blood Centre Building.

National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society would like to invite you all charitable persons to be a part of the "Building 2 more Regional Blood Centre in Chiangmai and Nakhon Si Thammarat province" to develop the blood service work to progress and meet international standards, turnkey operation, maximum security and sufficient to treat patients across the country.

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